Also, a couple of weeks back, the missus and myself packed up and went down to SXSW. I hadn't been during that questionable event since 2000, and I thought my wife would get a kick out of it.
It has certainly continued to expand that fest. It is HUGE! It's all over the east side of town now too.
I neglected to take the bike pics I should have. On Friday in particular, it was a veritable biker's paradise downtown. There were just hilarious amounts of bikes locked to every conceivable object. They REALLY need a bike valet down there. That's one page that should be taken from the Chicago playbook (just one!....). Seems like Austin is also always putting in new little bike bits here and there. I was shown a new nice little bike/ped bridge over the river (Town Lake) near Barton Springs that I never knew was there, it's still got that new concrete smell.
My Felt 85 continued to have flatting problems. I had brought down a new tube and installed it on my rear wheel as soon as I got up in the morning after arrival, we then rode down to the east side and I had a flat by the time we got where we were going. At that point, I decided to just deal with the real problem, which was these old Continental tires on this thing. They really felt as soft as rubber gloves. I knew there must be at least one bike shop within a few blocks of where I was, so I went up to a local hipster unlocking his fixie and asked and he began looking back towards the west side and pondering. I was thinking, NO NO dude, there's got to be something over here. Suddenly a guy standing nearby about to get on his MOTORCYCLE, said to me "You're looking for a bike shop? There's one at the opposite corner of this block" and pointed to the building on the corner. Well, he was right (Thanks my 2-wheeled internal combustion cousin)! I rolled down the way and found East Side Pedal Pushers bike shop. They did not have a HUGE selection of tires, but they had a few pairs of nice ones and I ended up splurging and getting a set of Continental Gator Skins. They rock! I have the same ones at 700x28 on my Surly here, but I got the 700x23 ones for the Felt.
Here are some pics of East Side Pedal Pushers. They were having a busy day with many flats, etc. I just changed my own tires on their floor as it seemed like it would have taken some time to have it done, and I was already over my budget just buying them!

Here's a piece of work. I spotted these interesting bars downtown and snapped a pic:

And just for the hell of it here are a couple of bonus pics:
My good friend Jonathan Toubin on the wheels of steel at a very popular party we were lucky enough to be on the short list for:

and your humble writer at the janky midi keys with Kid Congo Powers and the Pink Monkeybirds

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