Saturday, July 4, 2009

misc. things


Happy b-day USA! The usual din of bombs bursting in air is happening all over the city tonight. I saw a guy zip down my street in all black on a stealth black bike too and thought "don't catch a bottle rocket in the face buddy!" It's a bit scary out there, at least my dog certainly thinks so!

Here is an interesting op-ed a friend just sent along. It's a neat perspective on a situation that is usually viewed in a totally car-centric way. Namely, the desolation of the "Motor City."

TDF started today. I like watching the time trials even though, ostensibly it's one of the most boring parts of bike racing to watch. I guess it's just the understood tension and personal exertion that keeps me drawn in. It seems as if you can legitimately watch it on this Australian network's website, I thought they would somehow see your IP location and shut you down but it seems to be cool. Vive le tour! Fabian Cancellara, ouch!! Take that, mere mortals!

I'm officially "in training" for the Hotter Than Hell 100 in Wichita Falls, TX on August 28th now. I'm not sure what that's going to end up meaning, but I certainly think I need to be riding at least 120 miles per week from now on. I did bring my bike down to Houston for a trip home to visit family and did a nearly 40 mile ride with my old friend Ryan in some upper 90s heat. It was just fine, we actually literally rode abreast and talked the ENTIRE 38.5 miles. I guess that's some kind of cross-training!

I'm also going to take a trip up to Kettle Moraine Park in Wisconson tomorrow and do my first offroad biking since I was a little BMX-er back in 7th/8th grade! Going to rent a bike up there and see what it's all about. I will update you, faithful (3 or 4?) readers!

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