Heading off to TX in about 15 minutes (to the airport to go there anyway).
Had a great weekend riding in Madison. Took my googled route out to Mt. Horeb. Didn't end up going all the way there, turning off about 4 miles before it to follow a different route back for the sake of variety. It never got superhill overall, but some nice semi-gentle rollers. I did veer off on a few singular quests when I saw a pretty harsh looking hill. Here's one that had me wheezing on the way up (in the distance there) and having to ride the brakes to keep it at 40mph on the way down! Pretty fun though.

Here is a lovely little creek-y, drainage-y oasis out on Saddleback Road off Hwy 14 and County Road P where I (in the parlance of Phil and Paul) took a "natural break!"

Rode a total of 55 miles on this ride, about 45 on this big loop then puttered around the lovely Shorewood neighborhood in Madison, riding around a loop on this biggish hill about 4 times. Also tacked another 10 on it later that evening riding back to my folks-in-laws' house.
Here's the mapmyride result. Still losing about 20-25% of my miles with this alleged GPS stuff. Oh well, get what you pay for I guess!

Put in another mellow 23 miles with the missus on Sunday. Just regular commuting after that. A lovely weekend all in all. Just my regular commutes this week. Going to try and get in a nice 20 miles with Ryan in TX tomorrow and then it's off to the big ride.
Not bringing a computer, so will probably have to report on all this next Tuesday or Weds. Supposed to be something like 50% chance of rain both days, but rain in the 70s sounds pretty alright to me. Dry wouldn't be awful either though!
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